Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

Virus detection of HIV and malaria with Ponsel

Went to the hospital because of high heat? If Penah sure the doctor will recommend you to check the blood to the laboratory to see if you have a fever or bloody tifus, dlll. The process is usually a blood test that takes a long time, the most rapid 15 minutes, if not itupun line and the laboratory assistant favor more willing to work with the spirit. Tests like this also takes the cost that can not be said murah.Mengetahui problems such as this, researchers from UCLA to develop (or more precisely destroy: boxing:) a mobile phone that can be used as a penganalisa blood. One penelitinya, Dr. Aydogan Ozcan create a software / software that can analyze blood samples taken by a camera that has been modified. With this modification the camera can take pictures of blood samples with the desired conditions (such as the light, etc.). Software is kucinya earlier. He was tasked to analyze thousands of blood cells at once and get accurate results in just a few minutes. But I have modified ponselnya like that, who still want to use as a mobile phone? What ah shame so many plesternya

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